Friday, December 28, 2007

Looking forward to 2008!

I don't know about you, but I'm sooooo ready for 2007 to be gone. This has NOT been my year at all. And to make things worse, I haven't been able to write for four months.

Things are looking better for 2008. My teenage daughter (who has been giving me grief) is going to move out. This is good news and bad. I'll miss my 20-month-old grandson terribly, but at least I won't stress over my daughter. I'll have more time to write, which I'm looking forward to.

It's my goal for 2008 to get my foot in the door (or window, whatever works) with one of the big NY publishers. Santa even gave me a new computer and laser printer for the occasion. Woo-Hoo! To prepare for the time I start writing full time, my muse has been on over-drive. Since Christmas, I've though of three new story ideas. Oh boy! heehee

So, raise your glasses of wine, champagne, Coke, or water (or whatever you drink) and let's toast to a great New Year!!



Ciara Gold said...

I'll drink to that! Raising my tea way high. LOL Here's to a much better year.

Becka said...

Excellent, Phyllis. This is my goal as well, trying for NY. Good luck to the both of us! :D


Nicole Gestalt said...

Happy New Year. Just think things can only go up :)

Good luck with everything

Heidi (Nicole Gestalt)