Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Congrats to Becka and I

Just got through attending the Champagne Books Awards ceremony. Wow, what a party. Good company, good music, lots to drink and GREAT news! Becka won best selling author of the year and I won author of the year. On top of that, we were both inducted into the 500 club as we're the first two Champagne authors to have a single title sell over 500 copies. That's amazing.

Becka was honored with author of the year last year, so I thought I'd take a moment to talk about the criteria the publisher uses. Of course they looked at sells and the ability to promote, but they also looked at things like getting along with the editorial staff and willingness to help the other authors in the group. To me that's a given. Someone once said that Romance was one of the few industries in which employees go out of their way to help the competition succeed. And isn't that true for the most part. Because when one author succeeds, others usually reap the benefits. How? Perhaps that author places a link from her site to her fellow authors or maybe she will give an author quote for the other author's new release. There are tons of ways we help others succeed. As Covey would say of the 7 Habits for successful folks, it's a win-win situation.

When you think about it, blogging is one way we all help each other. We connect, we post our trials and successes and we lend advice. A newbie would flounder without all of the wonderful tips given on websites, through loop chats and on blogs. To all the wonderful authors that nurture others, kudos. You guys rock.

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