Friday, September 28, 2007

New cover - new available format

A couple of months ago, Vintage Publishing informed their authors that they were giving us our electronic rights back. Our books will still be in print, but our books won't be available in electronic format any longer. This saddened me, because I do have many readers who buy only electronic. I went searching for a company who would take my electronic rights only, but did not find one. Then a friend (and fan) told me about This is a new store for writers like me who are looking to sell our books electronically. Well...I'm happy to announce QUEEN OF HEARTS is now available in TWO formats. You can still buy the print format from Vintage Publishing directly or at But now you can purchase the electronic format at It's not there yet, but watch for it. It'll be there soon...AND with a new cover. I couldn't have the same cover that Vintage gave me, but I'm totally in love with the new cover, which was created by a new artist. I want to thank S.S. Steele for this great work of art!!!

1 comment:

Ciara Gold said...

This is a really pretty cover, Marie. And I'm so glad you found the story a home.