Thursday, May 01, 2008


I got the greatest email today. Maryna's cover arrived! Can we just say I am AMAZED at how great it is? I have to admit that with each book I've had published not a single one of my covers have been a clunker!

Now as soon as it is finalized I'll be sharing it. I can't WAIT for the world to see it. So now the cover is in, the edits start next week, Maryna is becoming real--finally! I can't wait.

July will be here before I know it and I'll be celebrating Maryna's release as well as traveling to Arkansas for my week long vacation. Then August I'll be doing my release party for Callye's Justice. Plus edits for both Dragon's Angel and my alter-ego Jinger's Beyond Death--both books are to be released in October so I'll be busy! I'm loving it!

Well, have to be off!

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