Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holiday T13

Thirteen of our favorite Christmas Decorations

1. Beaded eggs – when I was in high school, there was this craft store and the owner decorated eggs with beads. I bought beads, cut window holes in blown eggs and became hooked on decorating these eggs. Each egg is different with painted scenes on the inside. I still have most of the collection though many have broken over the years.
2. Personal homemade items people have given me over the years.
3. A handmade stocking that was given by a very special lady, one who was like a grandmother to me.

4. Hands down, the Christmas tree. I love watching it shine while snow is softly falling outside… 5. The Christmas lights. We don’t do anything gaudy, just white lights on our house, but it’s so pretty against the snow.
6. The presents. DH and I wrap the gifties and place them under the tree as we buy them. They become decorations themselves. So pretty.

7. My Christmas Cows. Plus animals that play different Christmas songs when you squeeze their tummy
8. My cow Christmas lights
9. My cow ornaments (Seeing a pattern here? I LOVE cows. I collect them in all forms, shapes and sizes.)

10. MISTLETOE!! Heehee
11. Ribbons – purple if I can find them. Definitely red
12 Garland
13 Angel on top of tree

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