Friday, September 07, 2007

Book cover HUNKS

Recently, I just received my very first HUNK book cover. Of course, I'm thrilled to death to have a mouth-watering man on the front of my book. But today as I was thinking about what to blog, I wondered what the rest of you think about these types of book covers.

We all have heard SEX SELLS...which means the spicier the story, the more it's going to sell. But does having a sexy cover sell your story?

HER KNIGHT OF SEDUCTION was published once before under the name, MY KNIGHT, MY ROGUE. I liked the book cover for MY KNIGHT, MY ROGUE, because it was simple and eye-catching. But there was no hunk. I'm anxious to see how well my book will sell now using a different title and with a hunk on the cover. Will it be a best-seller like it was when it was with the first publisher? Not only was my story a best seller, it broke record sales for my publisher. It will be interesting to see what my HUNK will do for my story.

Now...what are your thoughts / comments? Come on, don't be shy... Let me know.



Anonymous said...

I think a nice hunk on a cover can only do the book justice and entice the readers. I recently read a very nice story and the cover was face, but a gorgeous male body...I think I would have bought this book on the cover alone...hehe!!!!

Becka said...

It depends "who" the hunk is. I've seen a few covers with a particular model I don't think is that good looking... So I wouldn't be apt to pick up that book.

Now a generic chest/abs shot would get my attention (with no face) because then I could just fantacize my hero's face. :P

However, a hunk on the cover doesn't automatically draw me to it. As long as the cover looks pleasing to me (colors and/or themes), I'll take a look at the blurb, then the excerpt, then probably buy. So hunks are a bonus, but not a "sell".


Sandra said...

I love the lovely hunks that some artists put on covers. But then again, I love seeing covers that aren't the norm, i.e. hero holding the damsel in distress, or a picture of just the hero's bod. Sometimes I will pick a book and the only thing on its cover is an animal or an object.

Recently, I've been getting romantic suspense books that have the couple or just the heroine running from danger. Or even a shadow of the bad guy.

So even though I love seeing a gorgeous and juicy hunk on a cover, I also like seeing something different on them. It keeps the romance genre fresh and going forward when the cover is new and fresh. Make sense?

But I do love the cover of Her Knight of Seduction.

Mary J. McCoy-Dressel said...

Your cover would get my attention for sure. Then I'd read the title, then the back. I would want to see what it was about, first and foremost. But, yes, the cover would capture my attention first. I think my cover is very sexy, and a friend told me it's deceiving because the cover makes it look like it's more of an erotic read, yet it's not. Wait for the second one though! Love the cover hunk...

Stephanie said...

Your cover is an eye-catching, well-made yet overall pretty cover, so yes it caught my attention.

But there are men who women consider as hunks that makes me ask why? and so if the book is by an unknown author to me it may put me off from buying the book.

Initially though its the blurb and, if any, the excerpt thats the deciding factor to buy!

Anonymous said...

Being someone with an overactive imagination, I must say I prefer to use my own mind. I think it's *stupid* to pick up a book with a "tall dark handsome" stranger on the cover only to read that the main hunk is, in actuality, a platinum blond. (I'm thinking of Susan Sizemore's book here.) I dunno. I guess I'd rather have something without figures on it and a great juicy back cover description.