Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mavens Monday ~ Our New Look!

Good morning, everyone! As you can see, our Mavens' blog has had quite the transformation this weekend. We want to make this blog better than ever with a new feature, called "Mavens Monday". Each Monday, we will chit-chat about different subjects, all kinds of things under the sun. This week's topic is our new look and what to expect from the Mavens in the future.

YOU are invited to join in the conversation, no matter the topic! So come on in and join the fun on Mavens Mondays! :D Not to mention every other day of the week, each of us will be blogging about a topic of our own choosing. In fact my day (Becka's) is Tuesday, tomorrow, so be on the look out for my next blog! :D

It took me forever to find a suitable blogger template. I tried looking for something magical, mystical, flowery, colorful, white, garden-y... But they all just didn't "do it" for me. They were too pink, or looked like a 14 y/o's blog or waaay too many swirlies, or too magical. I didn't want people to think we were all a bunch of fantasy writers, as not all of us write fantasy.

However, I *do* know that all of us ADORE the color purple. And when I found this template, I HAD to have it. The moon background is mysterious and mystical in and of itself; the template is feminine without being overpoweringly womanly, and it's very classy. Not to mention it looks awesome with a splash of color. Scroll down a bit to see my Cobblestone Press cover and you'll see what I mean. :D

I think this template will work out WONDERFULLY, and I'm sure my Maven sisters will agree with me. Don't you think so, ladies?

Sexy, Sensual, Seductive


Ciara Gold said...

Whoop! I love the new look. You did great in finding the template. I found one, but dang they wanted a pretty penny for it. Then when I went to the free sites, I was very disappointed. But I like this one. It has a mystical feel to it.

Phyllis Campbell said...

I love the new look! Thanks, Becka!

Becka said...

I literally spent about 2 to 3 HOURS looking at templates this weekend. And you're right, they were all really bad. ACK! But I saw this one and I really liked it. :)

Have you ladies decided which days you might like to blog each week? I'm claiming Tuesday! Unless y'all want Tuesday for whatever reason... :P


Donica Covey said...

It looks great Becka! Fabulous job!


Becka said...

Thanks, Donica! The more I look at it, the more I like it. I looked and looked for a new template for my Babble Blog, but I couldn't find a good one. :(

I basically want what I have now in lavender instead of pink.

My blog:

But all the purple/lavender templates out there were awful! *sobs*

(except for this one, of course) Heheheh...


Becka said...

Hopefully in the future, we'll be booking chats together and whatnot. That ought to be fun! Especially now that we're all Champagne authors! :D


Phyllis Campbell said...

It doesn't matter what day I get to long as I can make a note to remember...

Ciara Gold said...

I'm thinking I wouldn't mind blogging on Wednesday. Will that work. I'll be calling it wacky wednesday. LOL.

Becka said...

Okay, folks, so official Mavens blogging order is as follows:

Mavens Monday - Discussion day on any topic

Tuesday - Becka
Wednesday - Ciara
Thursday - Donica
Friday - Phyllis

Keep checking back every day, as the Mavens are determined to keep this blog a-rollin'! :D


Carolan Ivey said...

It looks terrific!!