Friday, December 29, 2006

Upsetting news...

I just got some disappointing news yesterday. My newest publisher, Vintage Publishing, has just informed their authors that they will no longer sell refundable books. Which western historical, QUEEN OF HEARTS, will probably not be in bookstores.

This news is such a blow, mainly because I went through this with one of my other publishers. I know 'print on demand' books do not sell very well. I absolutely LOVE my story, and my hero is one sexy charmer. But I'm having mixed emotions right now. I've been wondering if I've done the right thing.

There are things going on with one of my other companies that I'm not happy over, although I won't get into it. But on a good note; in the next two months, I will get my rights back for TWO of my historicals. Their contracts are up. MY HEART BELONGS TO YOU, and MY KNIGHT, MY ROGUE, will be mine once again. So what should I do? I'm seriously thinking of polishing them really good and querying a couple of the big houses - or an agent.

It's about time Phyllis Campbell rubbed elbows with the NY publishers, don't you think? Which leads me to my new year's goal... GET MY FOOT IN THE DOOR WITH A NY COMPANY!


Becka said...

Phyllis!! ((HUGS)) I'm so sorry! I know you were so excited about this. But heck yeah, I think New York desperately needs you. And ME!! Hahah!!

Let's go storm their gates together!


Nichole Ellis said...


Best of luck in your 2007 endeavors. :)
